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The Age of Bronze: Early Mesopotamian Art & Architecture: Home


Welcome to my Research Sources page for The Age of Bronze: Early Mesopotamian Art & Architecture !

Chao Chen, Your class research librarian
Email me with your questions:; Tel: 617• 627• 2057

chao chen  

Books | Articles | Bibliographies

I. JumboSearch for Books     

These titles are good starting points:



Note: WorldWide Libraries (also known as WorldCat is still a better place to get a fuller picture of  books on a topic.)


II. Journal Articles (subject databases)

A. All Subjects

A few notable journals in the field:

B. Period Studies

C.  Cross Search Art History and Related Subject Databases

**Not in the EBSco collection is the Index Islamicus (islamic and Middle Eastern Studies database)

III. Bibliographies