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Research Guides@Tufts

EE-98 Senior Design

Final Video Assignment

Production Credits

At a minimum, you should still include these components at the end of your podcast:

Individual Credits. If you are working as a group, you should include each individual and their respective role in the production. If you partnered with any individuals or organizations outside the class at any stage of the process you should also include their name in the credits. 

Purpose. A short statement can be read at the end of the podcast such as, “This podcast was produced for [course name] at [institution’s name] in [semester, year]”.

Creating Credits


Best Practices for Creating Credits in Video Essays

Scrolling credits are not ideal for most video essay projects, especially when using an academic citation style. A better option is to use series of 4-second static slides at the end of the video to attribute the sources used.

Sources from Your Bibliography

You should group your sources by category, with a separate slide for each category: “Research Sources,” “Image/Video Sources,” and “Audio Sources.”


  • Use a black background with white text 
  • Copy-and-paste a portion from your bibliography into the preview window
  • Change the font to Arial (a screen-optimized font) and resize the text size to 10-point size