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Research Guides@Tufts

Evidence Based Medicine

Core Databases

American College of Physicians

ACP Journal Club is listed on Ovid's database menu as EBM Reviews: ACP Journal Club.  It screens the top clinical journals to identify studies that are both methodologically sound and clinically relevant. The result is an enhanced abstract of the chosen article and a commentary on its value for clinical practice. For further details, see Ovid's Field Guide.


CINAHL covers nursing and allied health literature. Current and retrospective coverage to the core journal literature in occupational therapy. Unless your topic is of a very unusual nature, this database should be the first one you consult. Can search simultaneously with Ageline (coverage of middle age and aging) and Ergonomics Abstracts, when appropriate.


This Web portal to evidence-based medical and dental resources from systematic searches of the internet, reports in the literature, self-reporting by site owners and other recommendations. Because the sites are evaluated by an in-house team of information experts and clinicians and external experts to assess quality and clinical usefulness its search has potential to be more focusd and relevant than a Google or Google Scholar search. Also has separate sections for medical images and patient information leaflets.


OT Systematic Evaluation of Evidence is a database that contains abstracts of systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and other resources relevant to occupational therapy interventions. Most trials have been critically appraised for their validity and interpretability.

Physiotherapy Evidence Database

PEDro provides access to bibliographic details and abstracts of randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews in physiotherapy. Most trials on the database have been rated for quality.

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