Early English Books OnlineHere are some of the primary sources that you will find in this database:
- A true and just recorde, of the information, examination and confession of all witches taken at S. Oses in the County of Essex (Thomas Dawson, 1582)
-The discouerie of witchcraft vvherein the lewde dealing of witches and witchmongers is notabale detected... (Excerpted from Reginald Scot, 1582)
-A dialogue concerning witches and witchcraftes In which is laide open how craftely the Dieull deceiueth not onely the witches but many other and so leadeth them awry into many great errours.( Excerpted from George Gifford, 1593)
- Daemonologie in forme of a dialogue. (Excerpted from King James I, 1597)
- A discourse of the damned art of witchcraft so farre forth as it is reuealed in the Scriptures, and manifest by true experience. (William Perkins, 1608)