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Research Guides@Tufts

SOC 0100: Research Design and Interpretation

This guide is designed to support students in Sociology 100: Research Design and Interpretation

ASA Style

The American Sociology Association has its own style guide for their journal, the American Sociological Review.          

For an overview of the style and examples see the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) for the American Sociological Review style.

Generate ASA Style citations using ZoteroBib.


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Zotero is a robust tool for collecting, managing, and citing sources. It was built by George Mason University's Center for History & New Media. It is free and open source and tends to be a librarian favorite. Zotero functions as a browser plugin with a web backup. It works with Chrome, Safari, or Firefox, and integrates with Microsoft Word and Google Docs for in-text parenthetical/footnote citations.

New for Fall 2021: Tufts now subscribes to Zotero Institution, which provides all members of the community unlimited individual and group cloud storage on To configure, simply add and confirm your Tufts email address in your account. Contact a Tisch Librarian with any questions.

For Zotero Help: consult the Documentation or Forums or ask a Tisch Librarian.