Welcome to my Research Sources page for Intro to Theatre! Chao Chen, your research librarian |
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**see also, Finding Videos
The Digital Design Studio (DDS) is a creative space and community of practice for critical approaches to media and making.
I. Scholarly and Trade Journal Articles
- Performing Arts Periodicals Database
- In EBSCOhost databases, you can select to search across the following databases:
- Academic Search Premier (all subjects), America: History and Life, Communication & Mass Media Complete, Film & T elevision Literature , Historical Abstracts (World history and culture), LGBTQ+ Source, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature , Women's Studies International.
More Sources For Current Production/Performance Reviews
**Writing about Drama ( productions and performances of plays)
from The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel HillMagazines, Newspapers, and Companies' Websites
- Access World News (rich U.S. regional news)
- Factiva (more international coverage)
- More
Our most frequently requested newspapers:
From the professionals in the field:
- HowlRound Theatre Commons
- New York Times: Theatre Arts
- American Theatre by the Theatre Communications Group
- Internet Broadway Database
- the Lortel Archive (Off-Broadway)
- Ticketmaster
For past theatre reviews
Historical Magazines and Newspapers
- African American Periodicals 1825-1995
- American Periodicals (1740 - 1940)
- British Periodicals (1680s - 1930s)
- New York Times Online Archive (1851 - three years before the current date)
- Times of London (1785 - 1985)
- 23 Collections of Newspapers and Magazines (1700 - present)
- Chronicling America (1690 - present)
- Early American Newspapers (1690 -1922)
- Newspapers.com World Collection (1800-1999)
II. JumboSearch for Books
Note: Many of the contemporary plays you are looking at may not have been addressed directly in academic books, yet. However, you can search for books on such topics as "theater and political activism" , "theater and society", and "theater and social change". For examples, these recent titles at Tisch library might be of interests to you:
- Bigotry on Broadway: an anthology
- Inclusive character analysis
- No safe spaces: re-casting race, ethnicity, and nationality in American theater
- Racial and ethnic diversity in the performing arts workforce
- Political and protest theatre after 9/11: patriotic dissent
- Censoring racial ridicule: Irish, Jewish, and African American struggles over race and representation, 1890-1930
- Migration and stereotypes in performance and culture.
- Performances that change the Americas.
- Performing care: new perspectives on socially engaged performance
- Privileged spectatorship: theatrical interventions in White supremacy.
- Reclaiming Greek drama for diverse audiences: an anthology of adaptations and interviews
- Scenes from the Revolution: Making Political Theatre 1968-2018.
- Shakespeare in a divided America: what his plays tell us about our past and future.
Note: The samples provided here may be classical plays, but we are actually researching for accounts of significant productions or adaptations, past and current:
Sample findings:
- Antigone on the contemporary world stage
- Vision and stagecraft in Sophocles
- Shakespeare and the American musical
Note: Worldwide Libraries (also known as WorldCat is still a better place to get a fuller picture of books on a topic.)