A - Set scene X sliders to 10. To dim lights individually, lower the appropriate channel towards 0.
B - Each channels from 1-5 is connected to a specific light on the grid. Raise and lower the slider to see the corresponding light.
C - Master Level and Cross fader. Set the Master Level to 10. To dim all lights simultaneously, use the Master Level. Crossfader X & Y should be set to 10.
D - Set Mode to 2 x 8.
E - Blackout button, Indicator light should be green for lights to turn on.
1. Lights 2 and 4 are used to evenly light the backdrop or green screen to avoid shadows. Dim light 3 if it’s creating a hot spot.
2. Lights 1 and 5 will help light the subject. Set your subject at least 3 feet away from the backdrop or green screen to avoid shadows or spill.