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Research Guides@Tufts

TPS 0023: LGBTQ Theatre: Home


Welcome to my Research Sources page for LGBTQ Theatre !

Chao Chen, Research Librarian for the Humanities
Email:; Tel: 617• 627• 2057

chao chen  

Journal Articles | Books

I. Scholarly and Trade Journal Articles

A. Theater and Performing Arts

B. LGBQ+ and Related Subjects:


II. JumboSearch for Books   

Note: You may be looking at very current performances and issues, and academic publications in book format are yet to catch up with the language and everything else. Try this search: Transgender* and (theatr* or "performing arts")  for texts found in books and more. Some sample results: 


Note: Worldwide Libraries (also known as WorldCat  is still a better place to get a fuller picture of  books on a topic.)

Important: We acknowledge that cataloging approaches were designed in a racist and white-centered system. Outdated cataloging language are discriminatory against the LGBQ+ community.