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FMS 60: Global Indigenous Film & Media: Home


Welcome to my Research Sources page for Global Indigenous Film & Media!

Chao Chen, your research librarian
Email:; Tel: 617• 627• 2057

chao chen  




Path of Discovery in JumboSearch, (our book catalog and more)

  1. Find a relevant book (e.g., a scholar you know, or, from your assigned readings?)
  2. Note the descriptive language of the Catalog record.
  3. Use that language in further searches

e.g., Click on subjects in the record to see further results and related topics; and/or combine these subject phrases with other keywords for a more focused search:

Title: Visualities: Perspectives on Contemporary American Indian Film and Art
Author Cummings, Denise K
Subjects: American Indian artists
American Indian motion picture producers and directors
American Indians in Motion Pictures
Indigenous films
Native American Studies

Some titles found with the above method:

More subject browses and keyword search in JumboSearch:

Reference Sources:


Journal Articles 

1. All Subjects

2. Film Studies and Related Subject Databases

Tip: Crash the Research Party

Subject-specific databases such as Film and Television Literature Index. is where film historians and scholars are having their research party, sharing with each other their scholarship. Throw titles/filmmakers that interest you into the database; then "listen to" the conversations about them: how scholars have studied them? If you don’t yet have specific films/filmmakers in mind, entering keywords of topical themes, and observe what films are being associated with these topics, how and why?

3. Magazines and Newspapers

Streaming Videos

Tufts Subscription:

Tisch Library provides access to both streaming video through platforms such as Kanopy  and Swank as well as access to physical media such as in DVD format. Films and televisions programs are findable in JumboSearch, the Tufts libraries catalog. 

Evaluating Information and Citing Sources

Evaluating Information

MLA Handbook Plus

We cite sources to

  • Avoid plagiarism
  • Give credit to the source of an idea
  • Lend credibility to our arguments