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Research Guides@Tufts

Tufts Libraries journal publishing services

Standard services

Tufts Libraries will provide the following standardized set of services:

  • Provide the externally-hosted server and OJS software to host the journal.
  • Establish initial journal account and permissions for journal staff. Note that given the Libraries’ role as platform manager, a staff member(s) from Tufts Libraries will be added to your journal account in an administrator role.
  • Assign a library liaison as the primary contact to the journal editor.
  • Provide platform documentation and training to journal staff
  • Facilitate troubleshooting of reported problems and respond to questions in a timely manner.
  • Consult on publishing best practices, metadata standards, copyright, image reuse, data management, Creative Commons licensing, research metrics, etc.
  • Provide and maintain DOIs (direct object identifiers) for journal content produced under this agreement.
  • Provide guidance for submitting the Journal for consideration for inclusion in commercial indexing and abstracting services (Directory of Open Access Journals, Web of Science, other databases).
  • Provide guidance on obtaining a journal ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).
  • Work with the editors of existing journals to assess needs and provide advice on moving content if possible.
  • Digitize and host journal backfiles on a case-by-case basis.
  • Provide access to usage statistics through the Open Journal System platform.
  • Register journal with CrossRef.
  • Include journal bibliographic data in Tufts Libraries discovery tools, such as JumboSearch and BrowZine.
  • If publication ceases, archive journal at editor’s request.

A full list of services provided by Tufts Libraries is found in our

Consultation & referral

The library can assist with some consultation and referral in the following areas, but will not provide routine journal operations, such as:

  • Peer review recruiting or process
  • Copyediting
  • Proofreading
  • Layout and typesetting
  • Style guides
  • Plagiarism detection
  • Print proofs
  • Graphic and web design
  • Print-run or print-on-demand
  • Marketing