Whether contemplating Potlatch Records ceremonial music from the Potlatch bans of 1885-1951 or the work of Black Quantum Futurism, who synthesize quantum physics with Afro-diasporic principles as a way to create new futures, music is a site for resistance. Such forms of music offer spaces to push back against racial stereotypes while also being a distinct form of self-expression that is part of many cultural traditions replete with their own style and language.
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Often characterized by improvisation, chance, and indeterminacy, both conceptual and experimental music incorporate interdisciplinary approaches to pushing the confines of what music has been and can be. Dive deeper into current scholarship around this boundary-defying genre of music in these sources.
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As with all aspects of one’s identity, gender expression plays a role in musical compositions as well, whether through the composer/musician themself or more specifically in their work, like Sarah Hennies who explores expressions of trans identities through voice, and C. Spencer Yeh who uses synthetic female voice in Mandarin Chinese dialects to explore Asian identities. The following resources explore gender expression through voice and presentation in music.
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