In EndNote, you can compile a few or all of your references in bibliographies, formatted according to your own preferred citation style. To create an independent, stand-alone bibliography, you have the following options:
Official EndNote training videos are available on the EndNote YouTube Training Channel. Tutorials are available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
The EndNote Cite-While-You-Write (CWYW) utility lets you insert citations from your EndNote Library directly into your papers as (depending on the citation style you select) in-text citations, footnotes, or endnotes. From these inserted citations, CWYW automatically generates a properly formatted bibliography.
CWYW is a Macro originally designed to work with Microsoft Word (although it now works with other word-processors, depending on the EndNote version and platform you use). When installed, the CWYW toolbar will appear in your Word installation and as options in the Word Tools menu. You can access EndNote Library citations from this toolbar and you can select citations from within EndNote and click the Insert Citation button to insert them into your documents.
Information on CWYW compatibility with various wordprocessors for both Macintosh and Windows platforms is available from the EndNote website.
For situations where CWYW is not an option, EndNote provides a feature called Format Paper, which is detailed in the EndNote Manual.
Important! Always apply CWYW and Format Paper techniques to a copy of your document. And if you are sending your paper to another person or to another computer (which lacks your EndNote installation), use the Remove Field Codes command to convert EndNote references to regular Word text or else create a Traveling Library to accompany your document. Reading the EndNote Manual sections on these tools prior to using them is recommended.
Tutorials are available (in multiple languages) on using CWYW on the EndNote YouTube channel.