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Arabic and Middle Eastern Literary and Cultural Studies: Home

Welcome to my Research Sources page for Arabic and Middle Eastern Literary and Cultural Studies Courses!

Chao Chen, your research librarian
Email:; Tel: 617• 627• 2057

chao chen  

Faculty Publications | Bibliographies | Books | Articles

    Professor Alexandra Chreiteh (Shraytekh)

  Professor Kamran Rastegar

 Annotated Bibliographies

 (JumboSearch for) Books  


Note: Libraries Worldwide is still a better place to get a fuller picture of  books on a topic.

Keywords to try out in search of books on varies themes covered in your courses:


 Journal and Magazine Articles 

A. All subjects

B. Middle Eastern Studies

C. Other discipline/subject Databases

A few notable journals

 Newspaper Articles 


  • Access World News (rich U. S.regional news)
  • (2005 - present; daily news from newspapers, TV, and radio, originating in Arab countries, Iran, and the Arab media diaspora, Translated into English.)
  • Factiva (more international coverage)

Historical Magazines

**A complete list of Newspaper Collections, current and historical