Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
Virtually all ancient Greek texts surviving from the period between Homer (8th century B.C.) and A.D. 600, and a large number of texts from the period between A.D. 600 and 1453. Log-in requires searchers to set up personal accounts, in part to save researchers' font preferences for later searches.
Patrologiae Graecae
The most comprehensive record of Greek patristic material in existence, comprising digital images of more than 160 book volumes.
Library of Latin Texts Series A and B
Aristoteles Latinus Database
The complete corpus of medieval Greek-Latin translations of the works of Aristotle as published in the printed work, Aristoteles Latinus.
Patrologia Latina How To Use
The works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216.
Codex Sinaiticus
A complete digital edition of the Fourth-Century Greek biblical codex. Includes the Old Testament, a rare, complete New Testament, and two early non-canonical books, the Epistle of Barnabus and the Shepherd of Hermas. A collaboration of the British Library, the National Library of Russia, Leipzig University, and St. Catherine's Monastery, Mt. Sinai.
Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature
Aristoteles Latinus Database
The complete corpus of medieval Greek-Latin translations of the works of Aristotle as published in the printed work, Aristoteles Latinus.
Digital Scriptorium
"An image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts that unites scattered resources from many institutions into an international tool for teaching and scholarly research." Provides sophisticated search features and bibliographic apparatus.
Goodspeed Manuscript Collection, University of Chicago Library
68 early Greek, Syriac, Ethiopic, Armenian, Arabic, and Latin New Testament manuscripts ranging in date from the 5th to the 19th centuries, and an additional 114 papyri fragments.
Library of Latin Texts Series A and B
Monumenta Germaniae Historica
Sources for the study of Germanic history from the end of fall of the Roman Empire until 1500.
Parker Library Manuscripts
High-resolution copies of 559 manuscripts in the Parker Collection at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University. Manuscripts date from the Sixth through Sixteenth Centuries C.E. Includes extensive bibliographic material related to the collection.
Patrologiae Graecae
The most comprehensive record of Greek patristic material in existence, comprising digital images of more than 160 book volumes.
Patrologia Latina How To Use
The works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216.
Rylands Medieval Collection
The John Rylands University Library, University of Manchester. The Medieval Collection contains complete works of paramount importance in a variety of key subject areas, including History, Theology, Art, Literature, Language, and the History of Science and Medicine. The basis of the collection is "In the Bigynnyng," a project to digitize a collection of over forty Middle English manuscripts.
Modern Texts - Books
Early American Imprints 1639-1819
An online collection reproducing every extant book, pamphlet, and broadside published in America from 1639 to 1819 - the complete printed, non-serial source materials of American culture for the 17th and 18th centuries. Covers titles in the Evans and Shaw-Shoemaker bibliographies.
Early English Books Online How to use
Over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640), Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700), and the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661), comprising all known English-language books from the beginning of printing to 1700.
Eighteenth Century Collections Online
ECCO aims to deliver every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in Great Britain during the Eighteenth Century, along with thousands of important works from the Americas: books, directories, Bibles, scientific treatises, almanacs, laws, court cases, sheet music, sermons, advertisements, speeches, handbills, parish registers, pool books, cookbooks, etc.
Latino Literature
More than 100,000 pages of poetry, short fiction, novels, and more than 450 plays by US writers whose heritage is Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central American, and South American.
ARTFL: American Research on the Treasury of the French Language
A full-text database of classical French writings and research tools. Users can create a dictionary and frequency count of words used in a text, trace origins of words or phrases back through the 17th century, etc. The database includes literary works, political tracts, philosophical writings, and technical treatises. For accompanying print Bibliography (Vol. 1) and User's Guide (Vol. 2), see [PRINT. Tisch Reference Desk PQ1101 .A87].
Women Writers Online
A full-text collection of works written by women, in English or in English translation, before 1850.
Black Literature 1872-1940
[MICROFICHE. Tisch Microforms MICRO. F589]
Reproduces articles by African-American authors originally published in newspapers and periodicals between 1827 and 1940. The microfiches entitled Black Fiction also include poetry, book reviews and literary notices discussing particular authors. Accompanied by guide with same title.
Black Literature 1872-1940. Chadwyck-Healey Inc.
[CD-ROM. Request at Tisch reference desk]
Electronic index to microtext set of the same name (see above).
Editions and Adaptations of Shakespeare How to use
Eleven major editions from the First Folio to the Cambridge edition of 1863-6, 24 separate contemporary printings of individual plays, selected apocrypha and related works and more than 100 adaptations, sequels and burlesques from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.
Modern Texts - Newspapers & Other Periodicals
17th and 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers
The most important and comprehensive collection of early English-language newspapers, dating from 1603. A full-text digital archive of nearly 1,270 newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets, and broadsides collected by the Reverend Doctor Charles Burney (1757-1817), preserved and augmented by the British Library.
Nineteenth Century British Newspapers
Complete runs of 48 newspapers specially selected to best represent 19th Century Britain: London's national and regional newspapers; those from established country or university towns as well as the new industrial centers of the Midlands; and from Scotland, Ireland and Wales. The penny papers aimed at the working and clerical classes are also present in the collection.
Early American Newspapers 1690-1876
Contains hundreds of historic newspapers listed in Clarence Brigham's authoritative bibliography and in additional subsequent bibliographies with an emphasis on newspapers that began publication before 1820.
Pennsylvania Gazette 1728-1800
One of the most important American newspapers of the eighteenth century. Fully searchable.
New York Times Historical Archive 1851-three years before current date How To Use
Includes full-text and full-image articles dating back to the first issue of the NYT in 1851; the collection includes digital reproductions of every page from every issue--cover to cover--in downloadable PDF(r) files.
American Periodicals Series Online (APS Online)
The American Periodical Series contains the full text of a wide variety of early American periodicals such as The American Apollo (1792-1792), The Boston Weekly - Magazine (1743-1743), and The Philadelphia Minerva (1795-1798). The date range of the entire series is 1740 to 1900.
Modern Texts - Other
American Poetry How to use
Over 40,000 poems by more than 200 American poets from the Colonial period to the early 20th century.
Twentieth Century American Poetry
Provides full-text access to approximately 50,000 poems by over 300 American poets. Search by author, keyword, title, first line, dates, publisher, gender, or literary movement.
African-American Poetry
Nearly 3,000 poems written by African-American poets in the late 18th and 19th centuries.
Early Encounters in North America
An expanding source of letters, diaries and other accounts of early encounters between Europeans and Native Americans from the mid-1600s through the mid 1800s. This resource is fully indexed and can be searched in a wide variety of ways, and should be of interest to historians, anthropologists and environmental scientists.
Making of the Modern World Digital Archive
Full-text searching of digital facsimile images of literature on economy and business, published from 1450 through 1850.
Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets
Digital primary source collection of more than 20,000 pamphlets digitized from research universities in the United Kingdom. A wide range of topics are covered, focusing on political and economic life in 19th century Britain. While the bulk of the collection is from the 19th century, there are some pamphlets included, as early as 1545. Specific collections include: Bristol Selected Pamphlets, Cowen Tracts, Earl Grey Pamphlets Collection, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection, Hume Tracts, Knowsley Pamphlet Collection, and LSE Selected Pamphlets.
Landmark Documents in American History
[Tisch Reference CD Rom Stations E173 .L36 1995]
The CD-ROM contains nearly 1,300 full-text documents from American history from 1492 to 1995 with biographies of major figures associated with many of the documents. Includes court decisions, laws, treaties, speeches, and letters, each with an introductory essay placing it in historical context.
American Broadsides and Ephemera. Series I
Fully searchable facsimile images of approximately 15,000 broadsides printed between 1820 and 1900, and 15,000 pieces of ephemera printed between 1760 and 1900 Contents include contemporary accounts of the Civil War, unusual occurrences and natural disasters, official government proclamations, tax bills and town meeting reports, clipper ship sailing cards, early trade cards, bill heads, theater and music programs, stock certificates, menus and invitations documenting civic, political and private celebrations.
Presidential Studies
A primary source database containing the following: thousands of presidential manuscripts providing detailed coverage from 1789; hundreds of speeches, including every inaugural address and State of the Union message; thousands of government documents, including all numbered Executive Orders from 1862 through 1921; hundreds of photographs and images of the presidents, first ladies, and U.S. and foreign political leaders; scholarly articles and over 500 biographical reference articles.
Women and Social Movements
Primary sources in the study of women's social movements from colonial times to the present. This database contains books, pamphlets and proceedings from national conventions on women's rights, abolition, and the Women's Christian Temperance Union.
NBC Learn Higher Ed
A digital archive of over 12,000 news stories, dating back to the 1920s. Collections are updated with current events daily, Monday through Friday, with stories from NBC Nightly News, the Today Show, Meet the Press, Dateline NBC, as well as the networks of MSNBC, CNBC, and Telemundo.
ARTstor is an image database of architecture, painting, photography, sculpture, decorative arts and design, and archaeological and anthropological objects--with associated catalog data--from many major collections. Users are able to register themselves via the tools in the ARTstor Library. Faculty who want the higher level of access that allows them to create folders to share Image Groups with students or colleagues need to upgrade their user accounts by selecting "Instructor Privileges Manager" from the "Tools" toolbar menu. When registering for Instructor Privileges, users will be prompted to obtain the required authorization code and password from their local ARTstor administrator. Faculty should call the reference desk at 617-627-3460 to obtain the code and password.
Bridgeman Art Library
Images from over 8,000 collections and more than 29,000 artists
Over 3 million images of news events covered by the Associated Press over the last 150 years. Images may be downloaded and used for educational purposes only.
Search millions of photographs from the LIFE magazine photo archive, dating from the 1750s to the present. Most were never published and are now available for the first time through the joint work of LIFE and Google.
Library of Congress Digital Collections and Services including American Memory
Library of Congress on flickr
"Yes. We really are THE Library of Congress."
United States National Archives on flickr
University of Virginia Electronic Text Center
Library of Congress Digital Collections and Services including American Memory
The digital resources of 1500 European museums, libraries, archives, and audio-visual collections. Contains more than 14.6 million items of Europeana: paintings, drawings, maps, photos, and pictures of museum objects; books, newspapers, letters, diaries, and archival papers; music and spoken word from cylinders, tapes, discs and radio broadcasts; films, newsreels and TV broadcasts.
In Principio: Incipit Index of Latin Texts
collection of approximately 1,000,000 incipits covering all known Latin
texts, in manuscript form, from the start of Latin literature to around
1500 A.D.
Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (British Library)
Nearly every item printed from movable type before 1501, but not material printed entirely from woodblocks or engraved plates. Information on each item includes authors, short titles, the language of the text, printer, place and date of printing, and format. Locations are noted if they have been verified. Links are provided to online digital facsimiles wherever possible.