The course provides background information on the humanitarian architecture, as well as detailed information on the various aspects of the architecture, including the cluster system, humanitarian finance mechanisms, and underlying standards and principles.
1. Up to date on your immunizations?
2. Bring ALL your medications
3. Have a check-up. Are you physically healthy?
4. Know where health facilities are located.
5. Have SOS (emergency medical evacuation).
6. Always keep full-time on your phone.
7. Get an extreme-sports-level medical kit.
8. Get Plan B/ post-prophylaxis exposure kit; bring condoms.
9. Establish a clear communication plan; have a check-in contact with the ability to get you home.
10. Memorize your passport number.
11. Check your insurance policy for coverage.
Clements is a good travel insurance option:
12. Find out about the harassment reporting channels.
13. Get lots of exercise and sleep; find creative and fun outlets.