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HIST 0096: Imperial Britain
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HIST 0096: Imperial Britain
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Reference Sources
Secondary Sources
Primary Sources
British Historical Documents & More
British Books, Newspapers & Periodicals
British Foreign Relations
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British Historical Documents & More
Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange
c. 1850-1950 CE
| Government records, diaries, correspondence
British Cabinet Papers, 1916-1986
1916-1986 CE
| British government documents
British History Online
1300-1800 CE
| contains both primary and secondary sources
British Politics and Society
1800-1900 CE
| Government documents, diaries, pamphlets, personal papers, and autobiographies | Part of Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO)
The Grand Tour
1550-1850 CE
| Correspondence, diaries, travel writing, guidebooks, maps, architectural drawings, and account books | British travel to the continent for pleasure, business, and diplomacy
LSE Digital Library
1615 CE-present
| Digitized and born digital historical records
Modern Records Centre (University of Warwick)
c. 1770-2000 CE
| Digitized historical documents related to British history
U.K. Parliamentary Papers
1695-2022 CE
| Bills, acts, and papers from U.K. Parliament
British Books, Newspapers & Periodicals
17th and 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers
1603-1804 CE
| Newspapers and pamphlets
British Periodicals
1681-1939 CE
| Periodicals
Early English Books Online
1473-1700 CE
| Contains nearly all material published in Great Britain during the time period covered.
The Economist: Historical Archive 1843-2014
1843-2014 CE
| News and analysis
Eighteenth Century Collections Online
c. 1700-1799 CE
| Books, pamphlets, and broadsides
Financial Times Historical Archive (London)
1888-2021 CE
| Financial News
London Gazette
1665 CE-present
| Public notices and statutes
Nineteenth Century British Newspapers
1716-1913 CE
| Collection of newspapers from the British Library
Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets
c.1800-1899 CE
| Pamphlets
Times Digital Archive
1785-2010 CE
| Newspapers | The Times of London Archive
British Foreign Relations
Confidential Print: Middle East, 1839-1969
1839-1969 CE
| British Foreign and Colonial Offices files
Confidential Print Africa, 1834-1966
1834-1966 CE
| British Foreign and Colonial Offices files
Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1980
1947-1980 CE
| British Foreign Office files
Foreign Office Files for Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, 1959-1979
1959-1979 CE
| British Foreign Office files
Secondary Sources
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