Secondary sources are the scholarly conversations about a historical event, a literary work, a topic, or some other item of intellectual interest. These sources may come in many forms; journal articles, books, essays, or podcasts are just a few examples. Typically a secondary source makes provable claims about or based on primary sources. You may use secondary sources to help you understand a topic or to support your own arguments. You may further the claims made by a secondary source or you may argue against its claims. Either way, it is up to you to carefully evaluate each secondary source you use.
Want to discover the books that Tisch Library has on your topic? Search by keyword, subject, or author/creator in JumboSearch, which simultaneously searches across all of the library's resources, including both print and eBooks. After you've entered your search terms, use the resource type limiter on the left side of the page to select Books.
Books in the library catalog are tagged with subject terms to help patrons find books on specific topics. Here is a list of suggested subject terms to use in JumboSearch: