Use these books to get an introduction to a topic, for background reading, or for an overview of issues in women's & gender studies.
The majority of our book collection can be found on Tisch Level 1. For help in browsing the collection, or identifying some subject headings for your topic, just ask!
You can search for books about your research in the library catalog in several ways:
Type in words that describe your topic, for example:
Books in the catalog are described with Library of Congress subject headings. These are meant to be standardized terms that describe all books on a particular topic in the same way. One way to find subject headings relevant for your work is to look at the Jumbosearch record of a book that's related to your research, and see what headings are used for that book. Some examples of subject searches are:
Brandeis University Library has put together a LGBTQ+ Subject Headings guide of with Library of Congress Subject Headings for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex (LGBTQ+) identities and related materials.
Doing a subject search in the library catalog (Note: use the dropdown menu to change your search to Browse by Subject) also allows you to retrieve specific types of background reference sources that might be useful in getting a broad overview of your topic. For example: