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Research Guides@Tufts

Education (General)

This guide is designed to support research in the Education department.

Find Literature review Articles

Educational Research Review - International journal aimed at researchers and various agencies interested to review studies in education and instruction at any level. 

Review of Educational Research - Contains integrative reviews and interpretations of the research literature on substantive and methodological issues. 

Review of Research in Education - This annual concentrates on research in one or two related areas of education. Surveys research, development, and theory in education through critical, synthesizing essays.  

Best Article Databases for Education

For a comprehensive list of our databases, use the Database Finder.

Interdisciplinary Article Databases


The Campbell Collaboration is an international research network that produces systematic reviews of the effects of social interventions in crime and justice, education, international development and social welfare. Find systematic reviews here.



Conference Proceedings


Limit search results to Document Type/150 Speeches/meeting Papers.

ISI Proceedings 

After entering the database, deselect all databases except those that include proceedings.