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Research Guides@Tufts

First-Year Writing

Tisch Library Guide to Conducting Research for First-Year Writing Classes

Find Books and Articles in JumboSearch

Want to discover almost everything that Tisch Library has on your topic?  Try searching for your topic in JumboSearch, which simultaneously searches across all of the library's resources, including: books from the library catalog; journal articles in databases, online and in print; research guides on your topic; digital files from the Archives; and much, much more!

Search by Keyword, Title, Subject, or Creator

Search Hacks!

This is an image representing Boolean search techniques. These techniques are spelled out below.


Use AND to focus search and combine different aspects of your topic.

Example: cerebral palsy and body image

Use OR to expand your search and find synonyms/related terms.

Example: ADHD or "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"

Use NOT to exclude a word or phrase from your search


Additional Search Tips

Phrase search  - Use quotation marks" " to search for a particular phrase.

Example:  "American sign language culture" holds the words together. Otherwise you risk finding books with sign as a word in the title, published by the American Popular Culture Association.

    Truncation * - Use an asterisk to find variations of a word. Add an asterisk to the root of the word to find all variations of that word, including singular and plural.

    Example: sex* finds sex, sexes, sexuality, etc.

      Grouping/Nesting Keywords - Use parentheses ( ) to group all your search terms together.

      Example:  ("self concept" or "body image") and "cerebral palsy"

        Limiting Search Results & Getting Online Books/Articles

        • Limit your results to find what you need more quickly. For example, keep your eye in the column on the left side of the JumboSearch results page. At the top of the column, under "Availability," you can click the link marked Full Text Online to eliminate print materials from your results. Once you've limited to online resources only, you can use the limiters on the left side of the page to choose what type of information you need: A book? A scholarly journal article? A newspaper article? What's the difference?
        • If you need the type of information you find in a book, select Books under Resource Type on the left side of the page. If you don't see Books (or another resource type) in the list, click the Show More link to see them. Once you've selected an eBook on your topic, click the title to find out more about it. Scroll down the page to see a summary and the table of contents. If it looks interesting for your project, click "Online access" underneath the title or the link next to "Full text available at" to open the book.
        • If you need to find a scholarly journal article, click the link marked "Peer Reviewed Journals" under "Availability" on the left side of your results page. Once you've located an article of interest, click the title to find out more about it. Scroll down the page to see a list of subjects associated with that article. If it looks relevant for your project, click "Full text available" underneath the title to open up a complete copy of the article.