Want to discover almost everything that Tisch Library has on your topic? Try searching for your topic in JumboSearch, which simultaneously searches across all of the library's resources, including: books from the library catalog; journal articles in databases, online and in print; research guides on your topic; digital files from the Archives; and much, much more!
Search by Keyword, Title, Subject, or Creator
Using AND/OR/NOT |
Use AND to focus search and combine different aspects of your topic. Example: cerebral palsy and body image |
Use OR to expand your search and find synonyms/related terms. Example: ADHD or "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" |
Use NOT to exclude a word or phrase from your search |
Additional Search Tips |
Phrase search - Use quotation marks" " to search for a particular phrase. Example: "American sign language culture" holds the words together. Otherwise you risk finding books with sign as a word in the title, published by the American Popular Culture Association. |
Truncation * - Use an asterisk to find variations of a word. Add an asterisk to the root of the word to find all variations of that word, including singular and plural. Example: sex* finds sex, sexes, sexuality, etc. |
Grouping/Nesting Keywords - Use parentheses ( ) to group all your search terms together. Example: ("self concept" or "body image") and "cerebral palsy" |