1. Ensure L&R tack lights are on: If the red indicator light is off, depress the L & R buttons to enable.
2. Point the mic at sound.
3. Adjust microphone volume on the dial located on the front of each mic
4. Check levels: Voice should be approx. -12 db. Sounds recorded at 0 will be distorted.
5. Headphone volume: If your levels look good but you still can’t hear,check your headphone volume
Red record button: Press to start recording
Play/FF/RW: Playback recorded files and navigate tracks
Other than the Stereo Mic and Directional Mic included in the kit, the Zoom H5 recorder has 2 additional XLR inputs for other types of microphones. You may choose to use different mics depending on your recording purpose:
Enable Channel 1 and/or 2 and select Multi-file if using mics not included in the Audio Recording Kit.