What is a book? What makes a book an artist book, and what makes a book art? The sources in this section chronicle the evolution of the book as a medium both physically and conceptually, exploring the role of the artist book throughout history and political movements while providing salient visual examples.
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Community is an essential part of Ulises’ ethos as an artist and artist book space, and book fairs are a crucial gathering point for the larger printing community, giving publishers and artists a chance to show their work and meet colleagues in the field. The sources below provide examples of books from book fairs, as well as information on local book fairs.
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Artists never truly work alone, and their work is always situated within larger patterns, both drawing inspiration from and giving inspiration to others. The sources compiled in this section detail other collections and spaces similar to Ulises and offer valuable insight into the wider scope of artists books, publishing, and space-making.
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Copy of Hardworking Goodlooking_Mosquito Press
Understanding of the materiality of books is key to appreciating books as an art form and grasping the specificities of artist books. The sources in this section outline the various processes used in bookmaking, both historically and currently, as well as provide step-by-step guides for readers to create their own artist books.
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When we think of artists, we often think of great individuals, toiling away in their studies. Artist collectives present another way of working that is inherently collaborative and that challenges dominant art world assumptions. Artist-run-spaces similarly embody a new paradigm of artistic spaces outside of galleries and museums that are often more experimental in nature. The sources in this section provide useful context and history for understanding how Ulises operates, what makes it novel, and how it is situated in the larger art ecosystem.
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