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Country Profiles & Data: NGO Information Sources

Introduction to Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Data Sources

The organizations which publish the sources listed below are non-governmental international entities (often called NGOs). Their missions vary but all share an interest in the economic relationships among countries and regions. Understanding their respective objectives and memberships facilitate use of these often dense and complicated websites and publications.

An overview of these NGOs and other international or regional organizations that publish economic data is in the International Organizations section of the eReference Europa World Plus.

United Nations Statistics Division

The goal of the United Nations Statistics Division is to support the advancement of a global statistics system.  The sites listed here are especially relevant for topics related to FDI.

The Tufts Libraries has numerous print versions of UN Statistics Division publications, which can be retrieved by searching on the organization's full name as the author; most are located in the Ginn Library.

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The goal of the OECD is to support a "stronger, cleaner, fairer world economy."  OECD monitors economic developments and researches social changes or trends in trade, environment, agriculture, and other topics. Only 34 countries are full members of the OECD and coverage of non-members varies.

The Tufts Libraries has numerous print versions of OECD publications, which can be retrieved by searching on the organization's full name as the author; most are located in the Ginn Library.

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of over 180 countries which seeks to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, and promote economic growth.

The Tufts Libraries has numerous print versions of IMF publications, which can be retrieved by searching on the organization's full name as the author; many are located in the Ginn Library.


The goal of United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD) is to promote the integration of emerging countries into the world country.

The Tufts Libraries has numerous print versions of UNCTAD publications, which can be retrieved by searching on the organization's full name as the author; most are located in the Ginn Library.  Many UNCTAD publications and data sets relate to FDI.

World Bank Group

The World Bank Group provides loans and guidance to developing countries.

The Tufts Libraries has numerous print versions of World Bank publications, which can be retrieved by searching on the organization's full name as the author; most are located in the Ginn Library.

World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations and oversees WTO agreements among trading nations. WTO seeks to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business.  Although not explicitly focused on FDI, the WTO had initiatives and publications which address the relationship between trade and investment.

The Tufts Libraries has numerous print versions of WTO publications, which can be retrieved by searching on the organization's full name as the author; many are located in the Ginn Library.