A valid Tufts I.D. card is required to borrow library materials.
Loan Periods:
Stack Books 90 days
Reserve Materials 2 hours
Reserve Materials:
Books and other materials held on Reserve for course use may be obtained at the Circulation Desk where course reading lists are available via iPads. A borrowing limit of two items per course at a time is enforced.
Stack books may be renewed via the library catalog by selecting MY ACCOUNT. You may also renew your books in person at the circulation desk or over the phone (617-627-3935) unless the book has been requested by another patron.
Overdue Books and Fines:
Borrowers are responsible for all materials charged out in their name and are liable for the following overdue charges if the materials are not returned when due:
Stack Books - $0.25 per book for every day overdue
Recalls - $1.00 per day per item
Reserve Materials - $1.00 per hour per item
Fines can be paid at the Circulation Desk and online.
Printing and Copying:
Members of the Tufts community who have a valid Tufts ID are eligible to open a JUMBOCASH Account to print and copy. Accounts can be opened online using either a MasterCard, Visa, or by mailing a deposit to Dining and Business Services.