Suggested Subject Headings and Keywords
Subject Headings: Atlantic World; Colonial United States, ca. 1600-1775; British colonies -- America -- History
Keywords: Atlantic World or Transatlantic World or Trans-atlantic World; Colonial America, American colonies; Eighteenth Century or 18th Century
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Below is a selection of online resources that include a vast number of articles on topics in History. The resources on this page include articles from both scholarly and popular sources, so be sure to evaluate your sources to make sure that they are appropriate for your project.
These databases include journal articles from a wide variety of sources, including the humanities and social sciences.
If you don't see a link to the full-text of an article you're interested, try clicking on the Find It @ Tufts icon for that article. The Find It @Tufts button searches the rest of our holdings to provide you with options for getting you the article. It will try to link you directly to the full text if we have online access. If not, you'll be given the option to search our catalog to see if we may own that journal in print. If we don't have it online or in print, you can use the link to request the article from Interlibrary loan (ILLiad). If you don't see this button, be sure to search the title of the journal in JumboSearch, restricting to the Library Catalog.
Looking for more articles? Search Google Scholar to find more information on your topic.