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Research Guides@Tufts

CH & SOC 0186: Health Policy in A Global Era

This guide is designed to support students in CH/SOC 0186: Health Policy in a Global Era

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Health and Country Search Tips

When searching for any type of data, consider what level of detail you need to answer your question. Do you need statistics (summarized data), or do you need a dataset (the raw numbers used in analysis)? This can inform where you start your search. Overview information and statistics can often be found in journal articles, books, government websites, or reports from government or nonprofit organizations. Public datasets are likely to be found in data portals or data repositories, which can be hosted by governments, academic institutions, or nonprofits.

Government websites can be a good place to start looking for health and country information. But if you don't speak the same language as your chosen country, you can often find information from international organizations (like the UN, the OECD, or the World Health Organization).

Country Information and Data

Background Information and Statistics

Public Datasets

Health Data

Social Sciences Librarian

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Cece Lasley

Community Health Librarian

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Elizabeth McCall
Subjects: Community Health