Please also see the following information boxes on this page:
Note we have limited our specific listings to states in which TUSDM currently (as of July 2020) has active externships. For Tribal Reservation externships, please see the Tribal Reservations box for guidance.
If interested in states not listed here, keep in mind that state governments' websites end with an abbreviation for the state plus .gov. For example: If you're not certain of what abbreviation the governmental website uses, just web search for the state's full name plus government then look at the url to see.
You may then, if using Google, force a search just within those pages by typing the following, for example:
oral health
Put whatever you are interested in prior to the site: and the url ending for the state government after the site:.
For transportation options try multiple avenues of searching for information.
First, determine the name of the Nation whose reservation you need water fluoridation information on.
Then web search for that name plus public water. For example: Navajo public water.
Then, look for information within their published water information data regarding fluoride. Remember you may need to use synonyms like fluoridated or fluoridate.
See an example of a Tribal Reservation's water information website below.
Please also see the following information boxes on this page:
Many web searches for fluoridation will find the organization "Fluoride Action Network." This is an anti-fluoridation organization that is not evidence-based. See the resource providing an evidence-based rebuttal to this group below. Use caution when web searching to ensure you are not on a website backed by the "Fluoride Action Network."
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