Knovel is an extensive collection of technical e-books for engineers and applied scientists, and has interactive charts, tables, graphs, equations and information on best practices.
If the library doesn't have a book or article you need, you can request it using interlibrary loan, and the library can usually get a copy for you from another library.
Some specific handbooks for finding topic overviews and background information
Applications and explanations of human-friendly design and injury-reduction techniques. Topics include architecture, transportation, communications, offices, computer controls, and robotics.
Describes the physical, physiological, perceptual, cognitive, and organizational considerations that affect human systems performance and discuss how the knowledge base of the field has been applied.
Overviews, definitions, illustrations, and applications of key topics in biometrics. Includes concepts, modalities, algorithms, devices, systems, security, performance testing, applications and standardization.