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Research Guides@Tufts

Psychology (General)

A research guide designed to connect Psychology students with specialized resources and research tips.

Having trouble accessing a resource?

Some databases only provide citation information to an article or resource rather than the full text. Tisch's book and eBook collections are extensive, but do not have every single book on a given topic. Other times, you may find something on Google Scholar to which Tufts does not have instant access. Interlibrary loan can help provide you with access to the resources that you need with help from other libraries and universities.

Other Online Resources

Find Articles in JumboSearch

Jumbo Search is a great place to start because it searches many of the Tisch Library's resources all at once. However, it doesn't search everything, and so using subject specific databases like the ones in the curated lists below can help you find more resources.

Search by Keyword, Title, Subject, or Creator

Select Psychology Databases

Tests and Measures

Finding Books Using JumboSearch

You can filter your results in JumboSearch based on Resource Type (such as book or eBook). For books you can also filter by availability (either available in any Tufts library or by library) to only see books that have not been checked out by other patrons.

If you need any help finding a book, eBook, or any other resource, please do not hesitate to ask for help!

Finding Books at Tisch

Psychology research can be very interdisciplinary. However, class B of the Library of Congress classification system (the organization system of Tisch's physical collections) is devoted to Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion.

Not sure where the books are in the library? Check out the library map below or ask at the front desk.

Select sections which may be the most helpful to you when looking for books and some eBooks:

  • BF Psychology
  • BF176-176.5 Psychological tests and testing
  • BF180-198.7 Experimental psychology
  • BF207-209 Psychotropic drugs and other substances
  • BF309-499 Consciousness and cognition (includes learning, memory, and psycholinguistics as well)
  • BF712-724.85 Developmental psychology

Note: The Library of Congress classification and subject headings systems are large and complex systems subject to government approval, and as a result, sometimes the process to update the classifications and subject headings to their most current terms, especially those pertaining to race, gender, and sexuality, can be slow. Please feel free to ask a librarian more about how the classification and subject headings systems are structured, their biases, and current efforts to improve the terminology within them.

Social Science Librarian

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Cece Lasley

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