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Research Guides@Tufts

SPN22X: Viajar Comer y Bailar Experiential Assignment

Guide Info

Course image

This guide was made to help students in the Viajar Comer y Bailar course through the process of creating their experiential assignment.


If you would like to setup a meeting or training during any stage of working on these course projects, you can schedule an appointment with the Senior Digital Media Specialist.

Learning to use new equipment and software takes time and practice.  DDS offers select open workshops for those looking to get hands on training.  We also highly recommend signing up for Udemy and following their training videos for the software you are working in.  These video tutorials are comprehensive and cover almost every tool you’ll need to start working in a new software.  For instructions on how to sign-up check out this guide provided by TTS.  

DDS Staff is also available to help troubleshoot any questions you may have so don't hesitate to stop by!