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Research Guides@Tufts


What is Zotero?

Zotero is a citation management software program. Tufts University students, faculty, staff, and alumni have unlimited storage of PDFs attached to references (by using email address)

Zotero allows users to:

  • cite sources such as: books, articles, websites, and images
  • organize references into collections
  • collaborate with other researchers
  • import references from research databases and websites
  • insert citations into a word processing document and then automatically format them in a citation style

Installing Zotero

  1. Close completely out of your word processing software.
  2. Go to in the browser you want to use for importing citations.
  3. Then, download both the Zotero standalone software and the Connector
  4. Use your your email address to register for an account so you can access the Cloud and receive unlimited storage of PDFs through our institutional subscription.

Setting up Zotero

After you have installed Zotero, you may configure Zotero to bring in the full text of articles that Tufts has access to.


  1. In the Zotero menu toolbar, go to: Edit > Preferences > Advanced
  2. Change the default resolver URL to:


  1. In the Zotero menu toolbar, go to: Zotero > Preferences > Advanced
  2. Change the default resolver URL to:

Research Librarian

Zotero Handout