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Research Guides@Tufts

Veterinary Specialty Boards Reading Lists

ACVIM Large Animal Reading List

This is only a convenience copy of the ACVIM reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVIM reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVIM reading list.


"Candidates are advised to prepare for the examination by a systematic review of recent textbooks and periodicals.  Your mentors can help you select appropriate study material.  WE CANNOT DEFINE CONCLUSIVELY THE BODY OF KNOWLEDGE NECESSARY TO PASS THIS EXAMINATION -- the following list is ONLY A GUIDELINE."


Either, Or:

Updated 5/19/2020

This is only a convenience copy of the ACVIM reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVIM reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVIM reading list.


Last 5 years 


Updated 7/27/2022