Clunie, Moira. "alphabet city table." Flicker, Mar3. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0DEED. Image unaltered.
A zine, short for magazine, is a form of self-publishing typically printed on a single sheet of paper that is folded and physically circulated. Zines typically have a DIY aesthetic and originate from circulation outside traditional print shops similar to pamphlets.
You can learn more about zines and the SMFA zine collection on the Zines and Alternative Publishing guide.
For this assignment you will need to take photographs before, during and after your experience. You can take photos using your phone or equipment available for checkout at Tisch Library.
To help with understanding the scope of work, at minimum you'll need to photograph the following:
Start of the experience (photos that show your location, time of day...)
Photos that break the experience into several steps to guide us through the event as well as your reflections.
You'll also need additional supplies such as markers, glue, scissors, and the printed photographs. If needed, you can find these supplies at the Digital Design Studio, room 303 Tisch Library.
Taking photos can seem like a simple task but you will only have one time to document your experience! Try to anticipate the various ways you can share your experience visually. Consider how you can build a story by taking photos with different angles with varying degrees of proximity to your subject.
Consider how far or close your camera will be from the subject and how that impacts your story. Having a variety of shots will help you share your experience in a more engaging way.
Establishing shot Wide shot Medium shot Close-up
First image from, Second image from 11 Intersectional Feminist Zines and DIY Guide (with Template)
Consider how you can decorate, embellish, cut out, layer, college, color, etc your images to add to your story. How can layering one image over another speak to the layers of your experience? Try handwriting your reflections rather than printing them out in order to have the text more organically wrap around your images.
The Digital Design Studio as an art bin with materials for you to use for creating your zine that includes glue, multicolored paper,stickers, markers, whiteout and scissors. You can access this bin anytime the library is open. It is located in the Digital Design Studio, room 303 in Tisch Library. When you walk into the space, to the right is our Digital Scholarship bookshelf. The bin is on the bottom shelf.