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Research Guides@Tufts

EndNote: the Basics

Creating a Reference List

 Creating a List of References from Your EndNote Library

  1. Select the references you want to include in your list. Use the mouse while pressing the Ctrl key (or ⌘ key), select multiple references. Use Ctrl +A key or ⌘ key+A) to select all references.
  2. From the command bar on the top of the EndNote screen, select File >> Export 
  3. A window will open prompting you to:
    • name the file
    • select the type of file; select the file type RTF to create a Word-style document
    • choose an output style; this refers to the citation format, such as APA or AMA style
  4. Select a location to save the file and then select Save.

Using Word with EndNote

When EndNote is installed on your desktop, it will also automatically install tools that allow EndNote to be integrated within Microsoft Word.  If you have installed EndNote on your desktop, but Microsoft Word does not appear to have Endnote tools installed, try the following:

Windows users:

  1. Make sure that Word is completely closed. Open an EndNote library and select from the command bar, Help >> Check for Updates.
  2. Install Word tools if suggested as an update.

Mac users:

  1. Make sure that Word is completely closed. Open an EndNote library and select from the command bar, EndNote >> Check for Updates.
  2. Install Word tools if suggested as an update.

Creating in-text citations 

  1. Open both your  EndNote library and your Word document.
  2. In your Word document:
    •  place your cursor where you want the in-text citation to appear, then
    • go to the EndNote tool ribbon and select the Go To Endnote command. You will be toggled over to your EndNote library.
  3. In your EndNote library:
    • select the references you want to insert; you may select multiple references. 
    • after you select references, click on either  the " (quote mark) icon at the top of the reference list  - or - press Alt+2 (Ctrl+2 for Mac)
  4. You will be toggled back to your  Word document and the in-text citations will appear.

Please note that as in-text citations are added, EndNote will insert and expand a bibliography at the end of the document based on the style you have selected. 

Creating Separate Bibliography for Sections Within a Word Document

To create a separate bibliography for each section in a Word document, you will first need to insert section breaks. To insert a section break in your Word document, go to Layout tool ribbon and select Breaks. Choose the specific type of break you want to have between sections (i.e., “Next Page,” “Even Page,” “Odd Page,” etc.). 

In EndNote, you will need to modify your  citation style so that it can create a bibliography at the end of each section. To do this, in your EndNote library:

  1.  Go to command bar and select Tools>> Output Styles >>Open Style Manager. Select the style you want to modify and select Edit. A style editing window will open
  2. On the left-side of the window, select “Sections.” Check the button for “Create a bibliography for each section.” Close out of the window, and when prompted, re-name the style  (for example, “APA 6th _sections”)

To select the update style in Word, choose go to the EndNote tool ribbon and select Select Another Style from the pull-down Style menu. Choose  the style you just saved (e.g., “APA 6th _sections”).  You will now be able to insert in-text citations in each section of your Word document and have a bibliography appear at the end of each section.

Using EndNote with Google Docs

EndNote 21:

You will need to have an EndNote Web account to use the Google Docs EndNote tools. If you do not have an EndNote Web account, or need to upgrade your account for EndNote 21, please see EndNote: Why and How to Activate your EndNote 21 Account. You will also need to enable sync for an EndNote library; you can only sync one library.

  1. Open a Google Doc document. On the command ribbon, select Extensions >> EndNote 21 Cite While Your Write >>Open
  2. A panel will open on the right-side of the screen. When prompted enter your EndNote Web account username/password.
  3. The references from the library you have synced will appear. Check the boxes for the reference you want to have inserted as in-text citations and click the Insert Citation button.
  4. To create a bibliography , select the Manage citations tab at the top of the panel and click the Update Citations and Bibliography button.
  5. To select a citation style,  select the "More Actions" icon (it is an icon of three dots) next to Manage citations tab at the top of the panel.

EndNote 20 and earlier:

  1. Open a Google Doc document and your EndNote library.
  2. In your Google Doc, place your cursor where you want to place an in-text citation. Then, toggle over to your EndNote library.
  3. In your EndNote library, select the references you want to insert in your Google Doc. Drag the references from EndNote into your Google Doc and drop them where you placed your cursor. Unformatted references in braces {} will appear.
  4. To apply a citation style and create a bibliography: you will first finish inserting the in-text citations. Then, download and save a copy of your document as an .rtf file.
  5. In your EndNote library, go to the command ribbon and select Tools >> Format Paper. Browse for and select the .rtf file you saved.
  6. A small box will open. To format your paper, select the citation style you want from the Output Style pull-down menu and select Format.
  7. You will be prompted to save the document which will include the citation style as part of its file name. Choose a location on your desktop and save the file.
  8.  When you open the saved file, it should be formatted in your selected citation style. 

Please note that you if you need to make changes to your document, you will need to make changes in the Google Doc document. After you have made changes to the Google Doc document, then repeat steps #4-7.