Testimony of Lauro F. Cavazos to U.S. Senate Health Subcommittee [Journal article]Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 8191
Author: Banks, Henry H., M.D., Murnane, Thomas W., D.M.D., Ph.D. and Waitkus, Algird L., B.A.
Year: 1976
Journal: Tufts Health Science Review
Volume: 6, Issue: 1
Pages: 88 pages
Date: spring 1976
Call Number: Drawer 14, Sect. DD, Doc. 96 #1
Label: 81850
Keywords: Schools, Medical, TUSM, Orthopedic Surgery, students, teaching, lectureship, faculty, facilities, residency, fellowships, growth & development, education, medical, Mound Bayou, Colombia Point, Hemenway Building, affiliated hospitals, obituaries, bibliography of medicine, dentistry, alumni, periodicals, hospitals, teaching
Notes: Sections in article include prologue, Tufts - The First Years, into the 70's, personnel & staff, physical facilities, Boston City Hospital, The Tufts Orthopedic Residency Training program, resident selection, fellowships, resident education, Mound Bayou, Colombia Point