Scholarly Communication Team
Open access is about making research literature freely available on the Internet with few copyright or license restrictions. Many open access articles utilize a Creative Commons license, which generally encourages sharing.
See Open Access: Scholarly Communication @Tufts for more information.
Often times open articles can be found more places than just where they are first published since the author and others have rights to self-archive in a repository, like the Tufts Digital Library, and otherwise post it more broadly. This improves the findability by search engines and through web surfing. In addition, search engines can more readily crawl the entire full text of open access material, beyond just the citation information and abstract.
There are many reasons, including to:
An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is an international unique identifier for a serial publication. It can make it easier to find a specific publication and disambiguate it from other similar publications.
Assignment of ISSNs is handled by the U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress and is free. Fill out a New ISSN Application Form and provide the required supporting documentation. Allow 6-8 weeks for the request to be processed.
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique identifier, often displayed as a persistent link, to material intended for sharing with an interested user community or managing as intellectual property. The identifiers can be assigned to journals, individual articles, specific images/figures, as well as other materials.
URL format:
Publishers can become a paid member of a DOI registration agency, such as CrossRef, which covers journal articles or DataCite, which covers datasets. Members can then register new DOI names, also at a cost.
See the DOI® Handbook for more information.
Indexes provide a structure to data, which allows for faster and easier retrieval of the specific information of interest. Including the material in an index is known as indexing. Having your publication included in appropriate index allows others to discover it more easily. Ensure your publication's copyright policy/author agreement doesn't prohibit indexing.
Where to index your content depends on what it is. There is typically no charge for these services. Examples include:
Ulrich's Periodical Directory
Directory of Open Access Journals
Google Scholar
Subject Databases