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Research Guides@Tufts

Information for Faculty

Images Licensed by Tufts

Our licenses allow faculty to download images for presentations from these resources below. For guided assistance on using images visit the image reuse decision tree.

Access Medicine

Its images and Powerpoint presentations may be downloaded with source attribution and permission. Dropdown its Multimedia menu to

  • browse videos by system or category
  • browse an alphabetical index of its images
  • view or download a list of sources for videos with links to them.

On its Advanced Search page

  • select Multimedia to keyword search for videos, captioned videos, interactive radiological images, and Clinical Pearls (Powerpoint presentations from its OBGyn and neurology texts)
  • select Images to keyword search all or limit to images in particular textbook.


  • This image database allows faculty to store their own images, manipulate them and its own images, and create folders for managing presentations. For Instructor Privileges, register for a personal account and contact to activate it.
  • For more details, see her guide: ARTstor: Intro.

Clinical Key

  • Multimedia - Search this collection of more than 48,000 photographs.
  • Browse by specialty or subject.

Journals @Ovid

  • Captions to tables, figures and other images in its journals provide an index to images.
  • To search for images on a topic
    • Select the last file in Ovid's database menu.
    • Select Search Fields tab and check Caption Text.
    • Perform a Boolean search with truncated keywords, e.g. (petechia? and child*.ct.)
    • Browse the results for images in promising PDFs.
  • Ask us for help with downloading the images from the PDF or the HTML version of the article.

Archive your publications in the faculty e-scholarship section of Tufts Digital Library.

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Desk Hours: M-F 7:45am-5pm