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SMFA Garden: Home

About the SMFA Garden

The SMFA Garden is a collaborative space which supports local pollinators and seeks to cultivate artistic cross-pollination throughout the SMFA at Tufts community. The Garden was funded by the Tufts Green Fund in 2020 and established on campus in 2022.

blue vervain flowers blooming in front of a brick wall tall coneflower blooming in front of a brick wall plants growing in a garden container, with a hand installing a plant label

You can learn more about the Garden on the SMFA website and on Michaela Morse's website, and follow #smfagarden on Instagram for updates (and use the hashtag on your own posts!). To get involved in garden projects, contact Lauren Kimball-Brown.

Garden Locations

Garden containers are located on the SMFA Library balcony and the SMFA atrium balcony.

The atrium balcony is accessible daily from 8 am to 6 pm, except in inclement weather. Re-enter the atrium through the door with the black strap on the push bar.

Rectangular containers of plants on a concrete balcony

Containers of plants on a concrete balcony, seen from above

A variety of plants growing in a metal container in front of a brick wall

Oregano growing in a rectangular metal container

The library balcony is accessible when the library is open.  Just ask a library staff member to unlock the door for you!

A small concrete balcony on the side of a brick building, seen from below

A garden container on a balcony, seen through glass doors from inside a library

Plants growing in a metal container against a balcony railing

About the Plants

The SMFA Garden includes a mix of perennial native wildflowers and pollinator-friendly herbs and vegetables.

Atrium balcony





Library balcony



Seed Library at the SMFA Library

The Seed Library at the SMFA Library is a collection of seeds available to members of the SMFA and Tufts communities and other SMFA Library users. Learn more on the Seed Library guide!