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Research Guides@Tufts

Animals and Public Policy: Zotero

General resources for students in the MS-APP program.

Introduction to Zotero


Zotero is a free, simple plug-in (for Firefox) or a standalone program (with browser extensions to Google Chrome and Safari) that collects, stores and organizes references for books, journal articles, websites and other materials that you've collected and then automatically converts those references into a properly formatted bibliography. It is fairly easy to use, reliable, and well-documented. Zotero can:

  • import references directly from many of the Tisch Library's databases
  • create a properly-formatted bibliography that conforms to your selected output style, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or any one of hundreds of other formats
  • format in-text citations, endnotes, and footnotes in the documents you are writing
  • serve as your own searchable reference database
  • organize references into custom groups, enabling you to track your sources by topic, course, book chapters, or other criteria of your choosing
  • capture snapshots of websites
  • attach notes to references, create standalone notes
  • sync your library to "My Library" on the Zotero servers to save your work

Alongside tracking literature citations, Zotero stores downloaded or links to Acrobat pdf files or any other types of files on your computer.

Zotero@Tufts Guide

Our own handy reference guide for Zotero, available in Acrobat PDF format, providing information on acquiring and setting up Zotero, exporting references from catalogs and databases, producing bibliographies, and getting support.

Acquiring Zotero

Zotero is available as an online account and as standalone software. Bother versions are free. Download Zotero from

Choose either the

  • Zotero for Firefox. You will also need to download the Word Processor Plugins and Zotero Bookmarklet.
  • Zotero Standalone (Windows, Mac, Linux). If you choose the Standalone version you also need to download one of the connectors for either
    • Safari
    • Google Chrome (make sure you use that browser to download it!)
    • Firefox
    • These will allow the browser to talk to the Zotero software and capture references from webpages, snapshots from of  websites. 

Note: While the Tufts librarians provide training in, and consultation about, the general use of Zotero and compatible databases, they do not provide IT support or assistance with technical issues involving your computer, browser, or word-processing software. For assistance with such issues, consult Zotero's documentation and its user forums. Most questions can be answered by either of these.

Installing Zotero & Getting Started with Zotero

Installing Zotero is just like installing any other plug-in for Firefox.  If you need more help, here is Zotero's help.  Please note that the video (at help) includes old information.

Once installed, Zotero lives in the top right of your browser in the Tool Bar.    

Click on this to open Zotero.  When open, Zotero lives in the bottom part of your browser.

You can make Zotero a full tab in your browser by

clicking on this icon        in the tool bar at the top of the pane    

or click and drag the top part of the pane to make it bigger or smaller.

Please note: You will need to verify the extension in Chrome by logging into your Zotero account on the Zotero site before you can use it.